Sunday, November 28, 2010

UGA Tailgating

I only had one opportunity to head to UGA to tailgate this year. The final game was against Georgia Tech and it was cold!

Lots of friends came to spend the day with us.

I had to stop and nap for a while.

Once I was rested, I had a great time chasing sticks in the garden. Walker loved to throw them over the wall so that I could fly over and bring them back!

At game time I got to ride home with Paula, Christy, and Walker and watch the game inside where it was warm. Thanks for taking me home with you!

Catching Up

Nothing new was happening for awhile, so there hasn't been much to post. But then, a couple of weeks ago, things got crazy! I was outside playing with my friend Liz when I let out a yelp to let her know I was hurt. She and Dad rushed me to the vet who sent me on to UGA. I had a hematoma that was growing as I stood there. Here's a picture of me on the exam table at UGA.

They took lots of blood to try and figure out what was happening. You can see bandages on 3 legs!

After 3 days in ICU, I was ready to go home.

This is the day I came home. I was bruised from my belly to my toes!

The bruising is finally gone and I am well on my way to healing. Here's hoping I don't have to go through that again!