Sunday, November 28, 2010

Catching Up

Nothing new was happening for awhile, so there hasn't been much to post. But then, a couple of weeks ago, things got crazy! I was outside playing with my friend Liz when I let out a yelp to let her know I was hurt. She and Dad rushed me to the vet who sent me on to UGA. I had a hematoma that was growing as I stood there. Here's a picture of me on the exam table at UGA.

They took lots of blood to try and figure out what was happening. You can see bandages on 3 legs!

After 3 days in ICU, I was ready to go home.

This is the day I came home. I was bruised from my belly to my toes!

The bruising is finally gone and I am well on my way to healing. Here's hoping I don't have to go through that again!